[iOS 16] How to quickly change iPhone’s wallpaper using Splashy shortcut

Lana Raić
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2023


If you ever tried to change the wallpaper on your iPhone, you know it can be a bit of a hassle. Endless scrolling to pick the right wallpaper, downloading the image to the Photos app, tapping on the Share button, and so on. It can take forever. That’s why we decided to build Splashy, an app that allows you to do this with literally one tap, or even better, you can completely automate this.

Today we will share a simple tutorial so you can treat yourself with a beautiful new wallpaper from one of our thoughtfully curated collections (nature, animals, cars, architecture, and many more).

Step #1: Add Splashy shortcut

Tap on the Install Splashy shortcut banner on top of the For You screen or on Install Shortcut in Settings screen.

Tap on the Splashy banner on For You screen
or on Install Shortcut in Settings screen

After that you just have to click on “Add Shortcut” and that’s it!

Tap on Add Shortcut in Apple Shortcuts app

You are now ready to use one tap wallpapers, but first take a look at other steps to test it and make sure everything works.

Step #2: Include collections in your For You feed

For Splashy button to work you need to have images in your For You feed. Feed is populated with images from your selected collections.

Go to the Collections screen and see if you have any collections starred. If not, now is the perfect time to explore our collections and find the ones you like. To select it, click on the little star on the right side by the name of the collection.

Tap on the star to include collection in your For You feed

Step #3: Run the Splashy shortcut

Now the final and the most exciting part. It’s time to run the Splashy shortcut and get a brand new wallpaper. Just tap on the Splashy button on the bottom of the screen.

Apple will prompt you with a couple of permissions (only for the first time), just tap Allow and Always Allow and that’s it. Give it some time and you’ll see a brand new wallpaper set on your screen.

Tap Allow on both prompts in Apple Shortcuts app
Tap Always Allow on prompt in Apple Shortcuts app

Step #4: Enjoy one tap wallpapers

Now just enjoy your new wallpapers and change them with one click on the Splashy button. You can also set a specific new wallpaper by opening a single image in Splashy and tapping on the Splashy button.

If you want an even better experience you can automate Splashy app. To do that just open How to automatically change iPhone’s wallpaper using Splashy tutorial.

If you have any question or suggestion feel free to contact us at hello@splashy.app.

