[iOS 15] How to quickly change iPhone’s wallpaper using Splashy shortcut

Lana Raić
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2022


If you ever tried to change the wallpaper on your iPhone, you know it can be a bit of a hassle. Endless scrolling to pick the right wallpaper, downloading the image to the Photos app, tapping on the Share button, and so on. It can take forever. That’s why we decided to build Splashy, an app that allows you to do this with literally one tap, or even better, you can completely automate this.

Today we’ll follow our simple tutorial inside the app so you can treat yourself with a beautiful new wallpaper from one of our thoughtfully curated collections (nature, animals, cars, architecture, and many more).

Step #1: Run a Shortcut

If you’ve ever run a shortcut before, you can skip this. If not, follow along.

Splashy uses the Shortcuts app to quickly set a new wallpaper, but what are Shortcuts you may ask. Well, it’s a cool new feature from Apple that allows you to quickly do some kind of a task from one of your apps. If you’re interested in Shortcuts you can find more info here.

So let’s dive into the tutorial. The first thing we must do is to run any kind of Shortcut which already comes with the Shortcuts app. This is really important as without this you won’t be able to finish step #2.

You can tap on the Open Shortcuts app button that you can see in the screenshot below.

Tap on the Open Shortcuts app

Once you’re in the app you’ll see something like this:

Shortcuts app

Don’t worry if the screen you got looks different or if you don’t see any shortcuts in the end we’ll end up with the same results. Our goal is to run any shortcut. We suggest “What’s a shortcut” as it is quick and simple. If you don’t see it visible on the screen, you can always add it by following these instructions:

Go to the Gallery tab -> Starter shortcuts -> Tap on “What’s a shortcut” -> Tap on “Add Shortcut” -> Go to “My shortcuts” tab

What we have to do now is to run it (make sure to tap on the shortcut and not on the three dots button). Once you’ve tapped on the shortcut you should see something like this.

This is what running What’s a shortcut will look like

Tap anywhere on the blank area of the screen to dismiss it and that’s it. Step #1 successfully completed. Well done.

Step #2: Install Splashy shortcut

Excellent, the tough part is behind us. Now, all we have to do is install and run the Splashy shortcut. Just tap on the Install Splashy shortcut button. Tap on the Add Shortcut. Give it a little time and you should see the Set new wallpaper shortcut installed in the My Shortcuts tab of the Shortcuts app. And that’s it. Step #2 completed.

Tap on Install Splashy shortcut
Tap on Add Shortcut

Step #3: Run the shortcut

Now the final and the most exciting part. It’s time to run the Splashy shortcut and get a brand new wallpaper. Just tap on the Set Splashy wallpaper button that you can see below.

Tap on the Set Splashy wallpaper

Apple will prompt you with a couple of permissions, just tap allow and that’s it. Give it some time and you’ll see a brand new wallpaper set on your screen.

First tap Allow, than tap Always Allow

In this blog post, we went over some tips & tricks that will allow you to run the shortcut without even going into the app and much more. Also, here we went through how to automate your wallpapers so you can get a new wallpaper without lifting a finger.

If you have any issues with setting this up or with the app you can always contact us at: hello@splashy.art

