Best wallpapers for every horoscope sign — Air signs

Lana Raić
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2022


The 12 signs in astrology are divided into 4 elements: water, earth, fire, and air. In this article we are going to analyse water signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Based on their characteristic we picked out the best wallpapers for each sign from the Splashy app.

The air element is like our breath, and we need Air signs for function. That is why they are intellectual and communicative. Air signs are known as the leader of society. They have the ability to see situations from an intellectual perspective, which means they lead with their head. Air signs have a lot of ideas, and they tend to follow them through. They are all about achievements and focused on every detail. Although they may seem cold or unfeeling, they have a lot of emotions but like to keep them for themselves.


Geminis have a fun personality, they are flexible, extroverted, and clever, and there is never a boring moment with them. But like every sign, they have a few flaws like indecisiveness, impulsivity, and indecisiveness. Geminis are always for trying new things and are very enthusiastic and entertaining, which makes them great friends. Other typical Gemini characteristics are versatile, smart, youthful, fast, and curious. Most Geminis are into reading, writing, traveling, partying, making friends, and chatting.

So, these are the best wallpapers for this fun sign:


Libras, like their name suggests, crave balance, and love compromise and making peace between others. These traits make them great leaders, partners, and friends. Furthermore, they are known for being charming, beautiful, and well — balanced. Libras love mingling and socialising. They also like to have objective viewpoint and that’s why they always analyse and dissect stuff. Some of typical Libra personality traits are diplomatic, good listeners, and idealistic. And something most of the Libras are in is shopping, meditating, DIY, and being in love.

So, this are the best wallpapers for Libra with his characteristics in mind:


Like air, Aquarius doesn’t have a single shape to categorise them. Some of them are quiet and gentle, while others can be energetic. Aquarius is represented by a water bearer, and that’s where he got the name with the prefix aqua, but his characteristics are typical for air signs. This sign is innovative, progressive, rebellious, and humanitarian. Aquarius is, like air signs, all about the mind. They are intellectual, curious, and very social. But they also have another sensitive side that needs support, appreciation, and love. Most Aquarius are into technology, writing, flying, and art.

With that said, these are the best wallpapers for Aquarius:

For more wallpapers download Splashy app and make sure to follow us on our social media for more inspiration.

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